In Australia, there is a National Quality Framework that is designed to raise quality and drive continuous improvement and consistency in children’s education and care services. Long day services, like Cammeray Children’s Centre are regulated under the NQF. In NSW, the Early Childhood Education Directorate (ECED) has regulatory responsibility for monitoring, assessment and rating, enforcement of compliance and approval processes for all services and providers.

Most education and care services in NSW are regulated, assessed and rated under the same framework. This framework has been set up to ensure the health and safety of children in an education and care service, improve educational outcomes for these children.
Services are assessed against the 7 quality areas of the National Quality Standard.
- The seven quality areas covered by the National Quality Standard are:
- Educational program and practice.
- Children’s health and safety.
- Physical environment.
- Staffing arrangements.
- Relationships with children.
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
- Leadership and service management.
Cammeray Children’s Centre has been rated as “Exceeding” across each of the 7 quality areas which means that in each of these areas, the Centre has been recognised as going beyond the requirements of the National Quality Standard.